Stock Code:600728


Intelligent Rail Transportation

Making rail transit smarter and more convenient

Intelligent Rail Transportation

lbx.png Intelligent Rail Transportation Construction Mapping 

Master the full-stack technology products and solutions for intelligent rail transit, and boost the digital transformation and information construction of the metro industry through the "construction- operation and maintenance -coordination integration" approach, creating a new paradigm for intelligent rail transit travel. 

lbx.png Product and Solution Family of Intelligent Rail Transportation

18 Modules + 60 Equipment + 22 System Products, multiple Innovative Products: Intelligent operation control platform(Huajia Metro OS)V1.5, urban rail transit edge integrated machine (PCI MetroBox), and urban rail transit intelligent customer service system V1.0 were selected in the "Recommended List of the third batch of autonomous equipment for urban rail transit".

•Selected in China Assocication of Metros Recommended List of the Third Batch of Autonomous Equipment for Urban Rail Transportation

•Selected in Guangzhou Municipal Development and Reform Commission "Guangzhou Independent Innovation Products in the Field of Rail Transportation"

lbx.png Joint Innovative Demonstrations of Intelligent Rail Transportation

Capable of managing multi-billion level intelligent rail transit total integration construction projects, providing technical, management, operation, and cost advantages, realizing full lifecycle management of rail transit equipment, interconnectivity across multiple lines, formats, specialties, and equipment, transitioning from "travel delivery" to "value delivery", and upgrading from "platform function" to "system efficiency". 

•Construction and Operation and Maintenance of E&M Systems for Ten Lines of Guangzhou Metro in the 13th Five-Year Plan

•Construction and Operation and Maintenance of the E&M Systems for Changsha First Intelligent Metro Line 6

•Chengdu Metro Phase IV Communication/Comprehensive Monitoring Integration

lbx.png Intelligent Rail Transportation Benchmark Cases 

Take advantage of the "chain master" of the rail transit industry chain, implant intelligent genes, consolidate the digital foundation, and accumulate the power of intelligent development for "China on the Rail". 

Delivery Cases in the Hundred Million of RMB:

•Wuhan metro line 12 automatic ticketing system project 

•Changsha metro line 6 station equipment maintenance and service project 

•Procurement of Automatic Ticketing System Equipment and Services for Tianjin Metro Line 6 Project 

•AFC Project for Guangzhou Metro Line 2, Line 8 Extension and Line 4 North Extension Section 

•Procurement of Communication System and Passenger Information Display System for Guangzhou Rail Transit Line 10, Line 11, Line 12, Line 18, Line 22, Line 3 East Extension, Line 5 East Extension, Line 7 Phase 2, Line 13 Phase 2 and Line 14 Phase 2 

•Procurement of Integrated Business Production Cloud Platform for Guangzhou Rail Transit Line 11 and 13th Five-Year New Line Project 

•Procurement of Equipment for Guangzhou Rail Transit Line 3 East Extension, Line 5 East Extension, Line 7 Phase 2, Line 10, Line 11, Line 12, Line 13 Phase 2 Project, Line 14 Phase 2 Project, Line 18, Station 22 

•Hefei Metro Line 5 Project Automatic Ticketing System Construction Project 

•Wuhan Metro Automatic Ticketing System Clearance Centre Project 

•Wuhan Metro Line 7 Phase I AFC System Project

•Dongguan Metro Line 1 phase I project comprehensive monitoring project

•Jinan Metro Line 4, Line 8 communication video surveillance system project.. 

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Interested business (multiple choice)
  • Smart city
  • Intelligent Rail Transportation
  • ICT Products & Services
  • Intelligent Transportation System
  • Commercial Intelligent Products
  • Intelligent Multi-payment
  • Internet PLUS Information Service
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